The Secret

Pada umumnya kondisi pabrik plastik di Indonesia melakukan “settingan mesin” di atas suhu/temperatur normal sehingga memperlambat cycle times.

Tahukah anda sudah berapa banyak kerugian yang tidak anda ketahui akibat “settingan mesin” tersebut?


Anda sudah membuang banyak WAKTU dan UANG

Apa hubungannya system pengeringan yang “benar” terhadap material yang berefek kepada quality produk?


Untuk mendapatkan hasil & keuntungan yang maksimal dari proses produksi anda, berikut beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan :

1. Environments
Relative Humidity
The Difference on Temperature and RH in Indonesia / Japan – China – Korea – Taiwan / Europe have a big impact on System, Calculation and Setting

2. Kind of Material
Hydroscopic Material
“Hydroscopic materials have an affinity for water and are sensitive to high relative humidity”

Hygroscopic Material
“Plastic materials that absorb moisture from the air”
3. Material Properties
Moisture Content;
Before Drying
After Drying
Target Moisture
Drying Time, Drying Temperature, Bulk Density

4. Ratio
Recycle / Virgin / Master batch / Additive

5. Hopper Capacity
The related of material properties with hopper capacity
Output Capacity (Kg/hr)
Bulk Density (Kg/L)
Drying Time (hr)
Empty Space
6. Flow
When used for Per form or injection molding, the unit drying air reference value needed for PET is 1.7~2.5Nm/hr-kg; when used for extrusion molding, the corresponding value is 1.2Nm/hr-kg. In fact, since values from the raw material suppliers are often various, the specific values is necessary for reference.

7. Kind of Dehumidifier Type
Molecular Sieve
Silica Gel
8. System Handling and Maintenance
Close Loop System Design
Standard Operational Procedure
Standby Procedure

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